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Hi everyone!
Well you know it's our new year's resolution not to ignore the requests of our subscribers and so I kick off this month's update with a submission from David Flude. First up though I have to say I was a little confused as the Grand Prix Attack isn't really part of this site's remit. Of course it is part of the collection of Anti-Sicilians which all Dragon players will face probably only too often! Anyway instead I have incorporated it into one of your other submitted games David. Apologies if I've somehow got the wrong end of the stick and all the same congratulations on your recent good results!

Download PGN of February '11 Dragon Sicilian games

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Classical Levenfish [B71]

Poli - Flude So this was a Levenfish that turned into a Classical with Black having ...Bd7 for free. When you play over it you'll see what I mean. Moreover you'll discover in the notes that 7 Bb5 has been played by a few strong players:

but, well, I don't think it's really very good!

Classical without Be3 [B70]

In the 'real' Classical Dragon Mamedov - Motylev is also pretty unimpressive from White's point of view. If 12 Ne2?! in the 'Karpov' variation is an attempt on an improvement:

well, let's just say that it doesn't look like a particularly clever one!

Yugoslav Attack 9 g4 [B76]

Moving on to the Yugoslav Attack and 9 g4 has been a headache for some Black players in recent times specifically after 9...Be6 10 Nxe6.

However, we have long known that 9...Nxd4 10 Bxd4 Be6 is a bit iffy because instead of castling long now, 11 h4 instead sees White plugging on without offering a target himself:

Actually that's exactly what happens in Solak - Milenkovic and indeed it proves to be no solution for Black.

Yugoslav Attack 9 0-0-0 d5 [B76]

Kosinteva - Kantans is a 9 0-0-0 Yugoslav Attack of the old (and arguably still) main line 9...d5 variation with 14...Re8:

Here White hits Black with some home preparation in the form of 16 c4!? which the second player never quite manages to come to terms with.

Chinese Variation [B78]

Kotronias - Ivanchuk is a heavyweight clash in the Chinese variation. It's great to see Ivanchuk keeping faith with this trendy line but although he finishes on top, it's fair to say that he encounters the odd scare in the cutting edge (according to Pavlovic) 14 g4 line.

Yugoslav Attack 9 Bc4 [B78]

Moving on to 9 Bc4 and Saric - Kan could be classified as a ...Rc8 12 Kb1 (planning 13 g4) but after 12...a6 White puts any kingside pawn advances on ice with 13 Bh6 instead:

Then after 13...Bxh6 14 Qxh6 Gawain re-ignites our recurring exchange sac debate with the standard 14...Rxc3(!)

We'll be back before you know it!

Best wishes, Chris and Gawain

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