Hero of the Month
GM Jonathan Rowson
He went on to really crown his chess accomplishments to-date by becoming Scotland's third and youngest grandmaster at the age of 22. Fittingly, he also won the Scottish Championship of 1999. In the same year, this elated young man on "cloud nine" also had the brilliant academic achievement of gaining a first-class degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University. In so-doing, he demonstrated numerous skills including a real flair for writing, and this special gift was particularly apparent too in Jonathan's excellent first book: "Understanding the Grunfeld", published by GAMBIT last year.
Now we can look forward to another gem due out soon: "The Seven Deadly Chess Sins". I'm sure that lots of fans can hardly wait to get A PEEK IN JONATHAN ROWSON'S T.S.D.C.S., but in the meantime enjoy J.R.'s emphatic victory over GM Tony Miles in game G13.62- and why not rearrange the 27 letters in bold to see JON'S ATTACK POWERS ON AND SHINES!!